The Key To Being Ready

In April, I had my first of two hip replacements.

It was something I should have done years ago.

Yet, somehow I found excuse after excuse, convincing myself I wasn’t “ready”.

Here’s why that was a lie:

We are never truly “ready” for any challenge that life throws our way.

Just like I wasn’t “ready” to be born with dwarfism.
I wasn’t “ready” to have any of the 20+ surgeries I’ve had.
I wasn’t “ready” to narrowly escape a bus fire.

Instead of getting ready, those challenges forced me to do something much more effective.

Take action.

I refused to give up.
I took steps to beat any surgery recovery timeline.
I ran to the back of the bus and out the escape door.

All intentional steps.
Nothing was on accident.

Instead of believing your aren’t ready for your next big project or challenge.

Take action.


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